Wife of Nuclear Engineer Pleads Guilty to Espionage-Related Charges

Diana and Jonathan Toebbe – West Virginia Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority via CNN.com screenshot
Russia Ramps Up Disinformation Campaign Against Ukraine Prior to Invasion

Kenny Holston/Getty Images
Black Lives Matter Activist Attempts to Assasinate Jewish Mayoral Candiate

photo: Stephen J. Cohen; via Getty Images
Judge Orders Oath Keeper Leader to Remain in Jail

Philip Pacheco/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Mexican Drug Cartel Learning Terror Techniques From Jihadist “Technical Advisors”

photo: Michael Robinson Chavez
U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal Imminent

STR/AFP via Getty Images
U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal Imminent
Islamist & Anti-Muslim Extremism U.S.-Iran Nuclear Deal Imminent An agreement between Iran and the US could be finalized in Vienna soon to revive the 2015 Iran Deal. President Biden has made restoring the Iran Deal a top foreign-policy goal. Iran’s “breakout time”—the duration needed to amass enough nuclear fuel for a bomb—could fall to as low as […]