Islamist & Anti-Muslim Extremism
New Clarion Documentary Exposes Terrorist Infrastructure to Radicalize Children
- Clarion Project has released a new documentary, Kids: Chasing Paradise, that exposes a global extremist infrastructure to radicalize youth, which the filmmakers describe as “the biggest child abuse network in the world.”
- The film uses shocking hidden camera footage and eyewitness accounts, including testimony from a boy who attended an Islamist summer camp; mothers whose children were radicalized; and a woman in Texas who left ISIS after marrying the highest-ranking American in the terrorist group.
h Institute.
Seattle: ISIS Member Arrested Due to Tip From Muslim Source
- In Washington state, an ISIS supporter from Seattle was arrested at the airport while on his way to join the terrorist group overseas. He told police that if he was unable to join ISIS abroad, he was “determined” to carry out an attack on U.S. soil.
- The FBI discovered the suspect due to a tip from a member of his mosque.
Vehicular Terrorist Attack on Muslims in Canada
- Four Muslims in Ontario, Canada were killed by a vehicular terrorist attack and one, a 9-year-old boy, was injured. The victims came from a single family. The family came to Canada from Pakistan about 15 years ago.
- The police have confirmed that the perpetrator, who was wearing an apparent bulletproof vest when he was arrested, planned the attack in advance and specifically targeted the victims for being Muslim.
- It is the deadliest terrorist attack on Muslims in Canada since a white supremacist carried out a mass shooting at a mosque in Quebec City in 2017, killing six and seriously injuring five.
Alt-Right & Alt-Left Extremism

Antifa Mob Tries to Kill Investigative Journalist in Portland
- Andy Ngo, an investigative journalist focused on Antifa and its communist and anarchist allies, has confirmed that he is the individual seen being violently attacked by an “anti-fascist” mob in Portland who identified him. He fled into a hotel for safety after being injured.
- Ngo posted videos, screenshots of tweets and pictures of graffiti that openly urged Alt-Left extremists to murder him.
Over Two Dozen Antifa-Linked Extremists Charged for Portland Riots
- Over two dozen Alt-Left extremists were charged for rioting in Portland, including attacking Democratic Party buildings.
- One Antifa terrorist, Malik Fard Muhammad, took part in five different riots, distributed baseball bats to rioters and attacked law enforcement with Molotov cocktails, burning one police officer’s leg. The Antifa group Portland Freedom Fund provided him with the $212,500 he needed for bail.
Alt-Right Extremist Found to Possess 30 Pipe Bombs in Arizona
- Federal agents have questioned an apparent Alt-Right extremist after they searched his trailer in Vernon, Ariz. and found a stockpile of 32 pipe bombs loaded with nails in order to maximize casualties.
- The suspect had literature related to survivalism and opposing Antifa.
- He successfully cleansed his two Verizon phones and, according to the FBI, “Consequently, no content was obtained via the search warrant” except for basic, inconsequential information.
Hostile Foreign Influence Operations

Analyst: U.S. Must Launch Offensive Against Perpetrators of Cyber Sabotage & Crime
- Clarion Project’s Ryan Mauro appeared on Just the News AM and stated that President Biden’s executive order to increase cyber security isn’t enough in the wake of Russian-connected cyber sabotage and ransomware crimes.
- “There’s really no difference when you commit an attack, whether using a bomb or cyber strike,” he said, “and we need to treat them the exact same way.”
- The U.S. has been struck with a rising number of cyber attacks from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, such as the recent ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline in which the company’s CEO paid $5 million in ransom. The types of attacks include the sabotaging of infrastructure from the private sector; disinformation and propaganda operations; ransomware; leaking of classified information; and the hacking of government and trade secrets.
Other Ideological Extremism

Anti-Homosexual Violence Leads to Two Arrests in Texas and Montana
- A man from Dallas has pled guilty to working with at least three other extremists to try to trap, rob and assault homosexuals. The group used a dating app for homosexuals to trick victims into visiting an apartment, where they were kidnapped, robbed, physically injured and harassed for their sexual orientation.
- An anti-homosexual extremist in Montana was indicted after firing a shot into a homosexual’s home in an attempt to kill him. He stated he wanted to “get rid of lesbians [and] gays.”