After two recent al-Qaeda attacks on U.S. military installations in the homeland, head of the Clarion Intelligence Network and Shillman Fellow Ryan Mauro asks, what is the U.S.’ strategy to fight this group?
Mauro poses that it’s not just about al-Qaeda, but that every Islamist terror group is working towards the same goal: an Islamic state, a global caliphate run by sharia law. It’s that ideology that we should be working on defeating.
Watch Mauro explain:
Where WasĂ‚Â US IntelĂ‚Â in the Corpus Christi, Pensacola AttacksĂ‚Â
‘ISIS Stemmed FromĂ‚Â MuslimĂ‚Â BrotherhoodĂ‚Â Ideology’
Understanding Islamist Extremism